CN-G1451. View from the Pinnacle, Abhayagiriya Dagaba, Anuradhapura by Christopher Silva, Studio Times Ltd
Once 370 feet high, what remains of the dagaba is 246 feet high. To help with the process of restoration a lift has been installed at the base of the stupa. This lift leads to a point mid way from where you have to walk up the scaffolding to get to its higher reaches.“The scaffolding consists of a series of loose wooden planks laid along two inch wide metal pipes. Swaying as we went we carried our camera bags along these planks, each plank creaking in the wind. When we came to the square enclosure near the top (hataras kotuwa), we left the planks and climbed ladder after ladder until we reached the pinnacle (kot kerella).It is only then that the size of the city begins to dawn on you. The whole of Anuradhapura lies spread out beneath us, paddyfields, tanks and ruins, all interconnected by paths and roadways. On a clear day you could even see the western sea and the central hills. From this height the flagstones in the courtyard loom into view, huge against the tiny figures, the lines of every stone stand out and even the joins are crystal clear.”
Text by Sinharaja Tammita-Delgoda, from Eloquence in Stone. The Lithic Saga of Sri Lanka. A Studio Times Publication.

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